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Friday, August 27, 2010
-The Sixth MC Of My Working Days!

Yesh, I am officially have this on my FB " The Sixth MC Of My Working Days"!

I am keeping my fingers crossed tightly, because I do not want anymore MC in the next few months till the end of my contract!

Well, I am having a stomach flu, which I no idea what is the cause of it. I am guessing either last afternoon I had a mixed rice for lunch, and it turn out that the vegetables are oily, or maybe I had late dinner last night due to SYOG closing ceremony. Which I was there witnessing the light off and marks the end of SYOG 2010. The next summer YOG 2014 will be at Nanjing China!


(Since when I am so active about all these!)

Anyway, work load is as heavy as ever! I am just hoping that the last day of work faster arrive because I can't wait to get out of that place! Which left no good memories!

Alright, time to rest!

Have a great weekend ahead!

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Carrie;eirrac: 8/27/2010 08:50:00 AM

Saturday, August 21, 2010
-Bug Please Go AWAY!


The bug is still around my body, I am going to conquer the BUG very soon!

Apparently, I have no idea why does the bug keep entering into my body, and even I have seen the doctor and have those medication taken as instructed I still feel a lil' sick. I admit, medicines makes me feel very exhausted and even make my mood get very low.

On a side note, my eczema is not getting any better even if I never go to work. I have been worrying way too much over the eczema and yes, the doctor's cream do help but I have no idea why does this eczema still on me. I do understand that there's no cure for eczema but I just hope that it will be better instead of the worst. Doctor told me to avoid seafood and yes I done as instructed. The eczema on me is like weather forecast, sometimes it will be better sometimes it hurts like hell alright!

I guess it time to visit the doctor and have some antibiotics for eczema, even the last time I visit the doctor, the doctor insist very much on putting me on 3 days medication, which means have antibiotics taken to cure the problem. But doctor say it will only cure now but it will eventually comes back after the medication stop.

I have reduce the washing hands habit as instructed by doctor, also a change in body wash and hand wash. And I must say, all these lil' habits change really helps.

Alright, I am still keeping my fingers crossed really tight.

Wish me speedy recovery!

Comex 2010 looming, I can't wait, because I am getting myself a lappy!


Enjoy the weekends folks!

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Carrie;eirrac: 8/21/2010 10:53:00 PM

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
-Resting at home:)

Well, I am resting today after I visited the doctor yesterday!

And I am feeling better I guess...

When I am home, my mind is thinking all about work...

When I am at work, my mind is thinking all about home...

It's funny right??

Apparently, I am keeping my fingers crossed tightly because I got the feeling that when I go back to work tomorrow my desk will be in a big MESS! I am already prepared to stay late tomorrow for work...

Many things come by my mind, many worries I have, but I will wave them all down with my strong willpower!

That's all for now!

Medication kicks in!

Off to bed!

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Carrie;eirrac: 8/18/2010 12:36:00 PM

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
-I am Back!

Hello blog!

I am back after MIA-ed or I should say not being active here for like 17 days since my last post! Those who are reading my blog must be wondering why, am I able to blog over here when it's still working hours for me right?

Alright, gotten the 4th and 5th MC during the days at work, so I officially have 5 MC since the day I started work till today!

Yep, I am on MC today and tomorrow due to throat infection and block nose. I seriously have no idea why does the bugs always get their way to my body! Either they love me or that my body is too weak!

I have bogged down by work which leads to stress and I hope that I will be alright soon, everyday when I woke up at 7am I keep missing my slacking days at home, I missed!! Work to me now is a chore no longer a joy, everyday same routine till the clock hits 6pm! Well, I can't wait for the last day at work to loom by!

Well, too much stuff on hands to worry about. I have been worrying about my eczema, not it not only on my hand but it also appears on my knee and elbow! *SiGh* Either I am too clean or that I hate dust! I need a dust free office!

I broke the record, in a month I visit the doctor twice, one for eczema and one for the virus bug! Believe it or not, 100 bucks gone just like things alright! Beside that minus those MC and PH I have less 3 days of pay to get for this month! *SiGh*!

Apparently, I am still keeping my fingers crossed well, beside I don't want anymore MC to come by and the flu bug and throat bug STOP finding your way into my body! I had enough of it!

Anyway, wish me speedy recovery on my bug and eczema!


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Carrie;eirrac: 8/17/2010 04:56:00 PM

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's the month of August which means five more months to the ending of working life at that hell place and I am really looking very forward to 13th Dec 2010... I can't wait for it to arrive because, I hate to see someone which I don't wanna see due to some conflicts that's occurs last Thursday... All I can was, I am very angry with what that had happen, perhaps people there not nice expect for a lady whom teaches me from day one I was there till now... I can say that I appreciate whatever the lady who teach me and thanks for siding me on the issue last Thursday...

Apparently, now work to me is no longer any enjoyment or I should say that I am looking forward to the working days due to some F**** reason happened last week... Sometimes I really wonder what does this world have for me?? I seriously have no idea to this question, all I can say is that whatever it is I will stay strong there till the last day of work...

I dislike working with people that thinks highly of their ability... If they are smart come and do the task that is assigned to me and I will resign for good!! I have learnt that there's no true colleagues at work, but there are still some nice ones whom are always there for me whenever I have a questions to ask... Thanks to those nice ones!

Talk less, work more, and I can go home on time if there isn't any shites happens...

Right now, I am really looking forward for the lonnnnnnnnnnggggggggg weekends to come!

Have a great month ahead!



Carrie;eirrac: 8/01/2010 12:18:00 PM

Sunday, July 25, 2010
-Monday Blues Is Looming!


Monday blues is looming!!

I am crossing my fingers really tight, hopefully when I get back to work tomorrow my desk will not be flooded with zillions of stuff!!

Now I really treasure my weekends!

I can't wait for the next weekends to arrive...

Carrie;eirrac: 7/25/2010 03:35:00 PM

-Monday Blues Is Looming!


Monday blues is looming!!

I am crossing my fingers really tight, hopefully when I get back to work tomorrow my desk will not be flooded with zillions of stuff!!

Now I really treasure my weekends!

I can't wait for the next weekends to arrive...


Carrie;eirrac: 7/25/2010 03:35:00 PM

The Princess

♥ 廖丽婷
♥ 241288
♥ 21 Years old

Her Loves

♥ Guess Wallet.
♥ My Titus Watches
♥ NIKE Water Bottle
♥ Sony Ericsson C903
♥ Sony Ericsson K770i.
♥ Samsung T10 MP3.
♥ White Killer Spec.
♥ Computer
♥ My Bed.
♥ Pink and White Stuff.
♥ Baby Love
♥ Bestie Jennifer
♥ Dr Janice
♥ Mummy Dearest
♥ Da Jie
♥ Youngest Brother
♥ Maternal Grandparents
♥ All My Close/Good Friends

Her Cravings

♥ New JOB
♥ Driving License
♥ More Clothing
♥ More Accessories.
♥ Heels.
♥ Sony Camera
♥ Lappy
♥ Overseas Holiday


Her Friends

ZhiLin (RK)

Her Shopping



August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
Apr 2010
Mar 2010
Feb 2010
Jan 2010
Dec 2009
Nov 2009
Oct 2009
Sep 2009
Aug 2009
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
Apr 2009
Mar 2009
Feb 2009
Jan 2009
Dec 2008
Nov 2008
Oct 2008
Sep 2008
Aug 2008
July 2008
June 2008
May 2008
Apr 2008
Mar 2008
Feb 2008
Jan 2008
Dec 2007
Nov 2007
Oct 2007
Sep 2007
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Jul 2007
Jun 2007
May 2007
Apr 2007


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